The Dose Glass Collector...
In the beginning, there were only one or two, but, oh, how my collection of dose glasses has grown through the years. My particular interest in dose glasses grew out of an interest in pharmacy antiques, which developed in the 1980's when my wife and I were in pharmacy school at the University of Georgia. We both had the propensity to collect, which made for a fun hobby that we could share as a new couple. Mortar and pestles, show globes, compounding equipment and glassware, prescription bottles, old pharmacy books and drug store trade catalogs, pharmacy stamp first day covers, druggist related printers blocks, Schering commemorative mortar and pestles, postcards, matchbook covers, poster stamps and other apothecary ephemera, drug store cigar labels, etc. -- all distracted my attention. I had collected one dose glass here and there, but I was not seeking them out exclusively. I can't even recall what shifted my focus to concentrate on growing my dose glass collection. Our collection of pharmacy antiques and collectibles had grown and, by now, I had acquired 5 or 6 glasses. I was definitely running out of room to display the larger pharmacy items. I finally realized that, in order to keep on collecting, I was going to have to think SMALLER. That was probably my initial motivation. I now wish that I had made that revelation in the beginning and latched onto dose glasses as my major interest earlier in my years of collecting. I missed several opportunities to own some great glasses, when dose glasses were not my major focus. Also, I regret not having set the goal on a 50 state collection earlier on. I traded or sold several glasses that would have been an great early start to a 50 state collection and also passed on several glasses that would have made it much easier. I remember not bidding on a Salt Lake City, Utah embossed glass in the early days of eBay that ended up selling for about $20, just because my interest was more local. I think that when I found my Alaska glass, is when I decided to go for 50 states (having an Alaska glass definitely helps one's odds of achieving that goal). I can say that my collecting glasses has slowed down a bit in the last year or two. I say that it is due to my being more particular about which glasses strike my fancy and, I have to admit, the competition for glasses that has grown over the years that I have been collecting. I remember thinking at one time... "Do I really want to publish a web site on Dose Glasses and possibly spur too much interest and competition?" But, in the end, I just couldn't help sharing my enthusiasm for these little advertising gems! This is my third attempt at building my Dose Glass Collector (DGC) web site. My previous attempts were hosted on Bellsouth, then ATT. I hope you will enjoy exploring this site's many menus and pages, hosted by Wix.com.

Vintage 2003 photograph of my wife and me. As time goes by,
I grow older, fuzzier, fluffier and generally less attractive. My wife, on the other hand, just keeps looking better and more beautiful with each passing day.
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